OPEN READING PERIOD (2/11/2025-6/20/2025)
We are doing an open reading! Please send us your chapbooks, please tell your friends : )
Open now (Feb 11, 2025), until the summer solstice (June 20, 2025). We will select 2 chapbooks for Spring 2026 publication from these submissions. Additional manuscripts may also be chosen for future publication
Guest editors: Fall Year 1 & Year 2 poets
1 chapbook will be selected by Hannah Brooks-Motl, and 1 by James Garwood-Cole, both in conversation with The Year
We will notify everyone by October 31, 2025
We will notify everyone by October 31, 2025
Authors receive 50 copies (letterpress printed covers, risograph interiors), and support setting up readings if desired.
Translations are welcome, as are collaborations, as are works with substantial visual elements. 10 additional copies are available if a collaborator is involved. Translations will be published as a bilingual edition. Individual poems may be previously published, but not the work as a whole. The Year focuses on poetry, broadly conceived: we're especially interested in chapbooks that function as singular works.
Chapbooks are published in an edition of 200.
12-30 total pages, 5"x7.25" (though this may change slightly)
Outer cover is press standard, inner cover = author's choice
Please submit your work as a pdf by email to this email address (theyeartheyeartheyeartheyear at, with the heading SPRING 26 SUBMISSION_YOURLASTNAME. (submissions without this email heading or in other formats may be missed or not read by us: these things help us keep organized : ). The pdf itself can have your name on it or not, submissions are not read anonymously
You may simultaneously submit your chapbook, but please let us know promptly if it is accepted elsewhere
You may edit the work after it is accepted
You may simultaneously submit your chapbook, but please let us know promptly if it is accepted elsewhere
You may edit the work after it is accepted
There is no fee to submit, but the purchase of chapbooks are very much appreciated and helps support the press <3